

Welcome to our Church Family, a Place of Love and Faith

Welcome to Grace Cathedral Ministries, a spiritual sanctuary in Phoenix, Arizona. Discover divine enlightenment and community fellowship as we spread the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Experience Divine Enlightenment and Community Fellowship at Grace Cathedral Ministries

Grace Cathedral Ministries in Phoenix, Arizona is a spiritual sanctuary where people from all walks of life find divine enlightenment and community fellowship. We spread the teachings of Jesus Christ and serve our community through outreach programs, providing spiritual nourishment and guidance to all who seek solace and inspiration.

Join us at Grace Cathedral Ministries for inclusive worship services that meet your spiritual needs. Grow in faith with our diverse congregation.

Worship Services and Spiritual Gatherings

Join us at Grace Cathedral Ministries for inclusive worship services that meet your spiritual needs. Grow in faith with our diverse congregation.

Transformative Sunday Worship Experience

Experience uplifting worship and a loving community every Sunday. Come as you are and leave renewed.

Deep Dive Bible Study

Engage in Bible study to deepen faith and gain spiritual insights.

Empowering Youth Through Faith

Empowering youth to be strong disciples of Christ through engaging programs.

Grace Cathedral Ministries: A source of inspiration and community support.

John Smith

Business Owner

Get in Touch with Grace Cathedral Ministries

123 Main Street

Phoenix, Arizona 85001

